Here you will find random expressions, whether it be art, poetry, songs etc. This is a safe place for any survivor who wishes to express their feelings. Grab some coffee or a cool glass of water. Sit back and enjoy!!
I do not stand alone when I speak up to be heard.
But, please listen to what I’ve not said.
Because I am afraid, because I’m embarrassed, because I can not do this alone.
Because I have been told and shown that I am stupid, worthless and not whole.
Please see what I cannot show you.
My fear, my regret, my need.
Please look past my belligerence, my attitude, my indifference.
Know that I am you.
Just like you, with dreams and desires and hopes.
But through the years have watched as my dreams and hopes gave way to surviving and just getting through one moment at a time.
Please understand and know that by my speaking out I may risk my safety or my life.
Please listen and see what I can not say.
What I can not show because I am afraid.
Please be my voice.
Do not ask why they stay. Instead, ask why do they batter.
Why Daddy Why
expressed by Anonymous
I used to cry and get down on my knees
I would wonder what I have done
I wait and I wait but you still don’t come
Why daddy why don’t you love me
I don’t understand what it could be
I have loved you forever you see
I wait and I wait but you still don’t come
Why daddy why don’t you love me
You were not there to teach me how to ride a bike
You were not there to teach me how to fly a kite
I wait and I wait but you still don’t come
Why daddy why don’t you love me
You did not take me to my father daughter dance
It is as though you didn’t give me a chance
I wait and I wait but you still don’t come
Why daddy why don’t you love me
As I get older I try to see what is wrong with me
I wait and I wait but you still don’t come
Why daddy why don’t you love me
My body grows I start to change
I still don’t know if I’m to blame
I wait and I wait but you still don’t come
Why daddy why don’t you love me
I’m getting ready to graduate
I just know you will be there
I wait and I wait but you still don’t come
Why daddy why don’t you love me
Your time has come the doctors say
It is time for you to go you want to see me
You wait and you wait but I still don’t come
Why daddy why, because you didn’t love me.
* * *
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My Safe Haven
expressed by Anonymous
A woman named Katrina and her daughter too
Found themselves homeless, didn't know what to do.
They asked friends and family and was to no avail.
She at last did a search on Google and finally did not fail.
Haven House, it said, was a domestic abuse shelter.
A place for women to go to avoid their Helter Skelter.
She was very happy to find this promising place to go.
Since she stood up for herself and finally told him "no!"
When she arrived it was dark and rain began to fall.
Her daughter wrapped in a blanket as she walked down the hall.
A lady was there waiting for her, a smile behind a desk.
Took her through some paperwork about her life's mess.
The forms took a while to fill out, the lady patient still
She said "I know you've been through a lot, this is the last form to fill."
The paperwork filed away, the lady stood and she said
"Let's get you upstairs and I will show you to your bed."
Katrina thought "This couldn't be, this must not be right."
As the woman of the house helped her up another flight.
Katrina said "I don't know how to say this, but thank you for your kindness."
"This is what we are here for, we're just glad you could find us.
The next morning they gave her clothes and some shoes.
They even sent somone with a list after some food.
Her daughter was warm and safe and sound
They were no longer faces lost in the crowd.
Thanks to Haven House she had a place to go
When the rest of the world simply told her "no."
Katrina will never let herself or her daughter forget it.
The way they helped her out that night - forever indebted.
My Safe Haven
expressed by Anonymous
A woman named Katrina and her daughter too
Found themselves homeless, didn't know what to do.
They asked friends and family and was to no avail.
She at last did a search on Google and finally did not fail.
Haven House, it said, was a domestic abuse shelter.
A place for women to go to avoid their Helter Skelter.
She was very happy to find this promising place to go.
Since she stood up for herself and finally told him "no!"
When she arrived it was dark and rain began to fall.
Her daughter wrapped in a blanket as she walked down the hall.
A lady was there waiting for her, a smile behind a desk.
Took her through some paperwork about her life's mess.
The forms took a while to fill out, the lady patient still
She said "I know you've been through a lot, this is the last form to fill."
The paperwork filed away, the lady stood and she said
"Let's get you upstairs and I will show you to your bed."
Katrina thought "This couldn't be, this must not be right."
As the woman of the house helped her up another flight.
Katrina said "I don't know how to say this, but thank you for your kindness."
"This is what we are here for, we're just glad you could find us.
The next morning they gave her clothes and some shoes.
They even sent somone with a list after some food.
Her daughter was warm and safe and sound
They were no longer faces lost in the crowd.
Thanks to Haven House she had a place to go
When the rest of the world simply told her "no."
Katrina will never let herself or her daughter forget it.
The way they helped her out that night - forever indebted.